Last updated: April 18, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ?

is the largest online database of European League of Legends Professionals.

We have gathered a group of managers, coaches and scouts that are heavily invested in their respective leagues, and built a database that links players and accounts together. We referenced each of those players countries and preferred role, and saved them to our database, in order to be easily accessible to everyone.

Our aim is to reference every known account of professional and semi-professional players, and to keep them up to date, by regularly updating their ranking and summoner name.

How can I use ?

As a Player, you can use our ladders to check how you fare against other players of your country or your region. You can also find out who you are playing against in soloQ thanks to our handy search tool.

As a Scout, you might want to check the up and coming players of your region, so that you can recruit the next superstar ahead of your competition.

As a Coach, make sure that your players are doing well in soloQ on your team's page. You can also quickly generate multi opggs for an opponent, including their smurf accounts.

We are always developing new tools to help you progress in your esport career !

How often is updated ?

Every account is updated four times a day, every six hours starting from midnight CET. This is an automatic process that cannot be done manually.

What are the requirements to be on ?

We want to be a first step towards a career as a professional League of Legends player. Players should be trying their best to earn their spot on the database, and seeing it as an achievement.

Therefore, players have to fit one of two conditions to get added :

  • play in a European Regional League (ERL)
  • be consistently ranked above master

Some exceptions can be made for on a case-by-case basis, especially for well-known streamers or professional leagues players (LEC/LCS). If you feel that you should be there, feel free to send a request on our discord.

The up-to-date conditions in order to be added can be found in the pinned post of the #add-request channel on discord.

Where can I request to be added to ?

Head over to the #add-request channel on our discord and send a message with your details following the provided example. One of our region managers will take care of your request as soon as possible.

Something is wrong on a player's page

As much as we try to be thorough, we can still make some mistakes. If you spot one, message us on discord in the #error-report channel, with a link to the player's page and a description of the error you spotted.

One of our region managers will take care of it shortly. Please avoid repeatedly messaging or pinging them, we are all volunteers and are not always available right away.

How can I add my current team ?

Adding the teams of every player is a manual process that takes a lot of time, therefore it will often happen that the teams of a player are not 100% accurate.

Feel free to notify us on the #error-report discord channel, but be aware that the update might take a while before it appears on the site.

Can I help ?

Of course, we are always glad to receive some help ! You can help us identify unknown accounts and players on our #player-id discord channel. We are also looking for people with a strong knowledge of specific regions, head over to the Site Team page for more information.

If you would like to send a monetary contribution, you can do so on our PayPal page, if you would to use like a different means of contributing, message us on

I have more questions

The Community Discord is the best place to ask. You can also contact us by mail at or on twitter @LOLProsGG.